Work Experience

  • Ispire is a cannabis hardware company. I mainly work with the Marketing Department in creating everything from magazine ads, emails, product one-sheets, landing pages, event paraphernalia (announcements, social posts, swag, etc), and anything in between. Sometimes you can also catch me in Sales, helping them close deals by designing products for their clients.

  • EZ Texting is a SaaS company helping small businesses with SMS Marketing. I worked with the Marketing Department and created numerous banner ads, one-sheets, ebooks, how-tos, etc. I also collaborated with our Creative Director in revamping our website and updating our brand guidelines.

  • Common Sense RC is a small business that sold RC parts and batteries. Although I was only a Junior Graphic Designer, I was the only graphic designer and designed everything from postcards, to catalogs, to weekly emails sent to clients.

  • The Institution of Transportation Studies is a department in UC Davis that did research on, you guess it, transportation. I worked with the Communications Department and created brochures, meeting materials, and catalogs for the Board of Directors and sponsors.

  • The UC Davis Arts Administrative Group handled all the administrative tasks for the Arts Department in UC Davis. We updated the website and made sure students and faculty can get the most up-to-date information on classes, events, and their majors.